Our Team

Meet Jen!!

Registered Veterinary Technician (Nurse)

Our very own Snow White, Jen has the ability to connect with pets like no other. Seeing the grumpiest pets start to purr or wag their tails in her presence may be startling at first, but it all begins to make sense once you understand that Jen has dedicated her life to animals.

From helping take care of animals growing up on her childhood farm, to becoming a Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator through the Ministry of Natural Resources, to her work as an OAVT Registered Veterinary Technician (Nurse), Jen has been caring for our furry friends her whole life. What is next on the list for Jen? She intends to add Veterinary Technician Specialist in dentistry certification to her already impressive resume. Way to go Jen!

Jen lives with her saucy calico kitty Frost. During quiet nights, you can find Jen and Frost reading, playing video games, cooking and doing jigsaw puzzles (if Frost plays nice and surrenders puzzle pieces).

Meet Hyaa!!

Registered Veterinary Technician (Nurse)

Hyaa is our Registered Veterinary Technician who grew up surrounded by all sorts of animal friends. There was an albino mouse named Mini, two Indian Star tortoises named Tobias and Tushika, two red-eared slider turtles named Acid and Lava, an Alexandrine parrot named Romeo, an African lovebird named Gini, a loving dog named Tyson, and a rock star of a fox terrier named Enzo. Hyaa fondly remembers her house being referred to as “The Little Zoo” by her school mates and neighbors.

Hyaa loves all things nautical!! She is a PADI certified scuba diver who regularly volunteers at the Ontario Turtle Trauma Center and has a BSc. in Marine and Freshwater Biology from the University of Guelph. Hyaa is also the loving caretaker of a fluffy little chinchilla rescue named Sheila, and she often dog-sits for her family’s husky, Simba.

Hyaa loves to karaoke!! And, at every opportunity during car-rides, Simba will harmonize into a duet with her whenever their favourite radio songs are playing!! Who knows, maybe one day our animal rescuer/zookeeper/scuba diving Registered Veterinary Technician extraordinaire Hyaa and her handsome compadre Simba will appear on James Cordon’s Celebrity Carpool Karaoke!!

Meet James!!

Lead Veterinary Assistant

When James was really small, his parents got him a pair of hamsters for Christmas. The two hamsters fell in love, and before long James became the proud caretaker of a whopping 14 hamsters!! It was too much for little James, and so he, with the help of his parents, spent the weekend going door to door finding loving homes for his hamster pals. He made more than one new friend this way!!

Fast forward a couple of decades and James is all grown up, but he is just as much of an animal lover as he was when he was little. His dog Ninja is a 4 year old Labradoodle that loves playing fetch, wagging his tail at everyone, jumping into snow banks, and eating James’s frisbees when James turns his back even for a split second.

James has a degree in Business Administration and is currently using his managerial skills to help propel the Toronto Mobile Veterinary Services into the stratosphere!!

It’s great to have you on our team James!!

Meet Whitney!!

Veterinary Assistant/Nurse In-Training

Everyone meet our newest and fabulous team member, Whitney!! Ever since she was little, Whitney never had a doubt that her future would involve working with animals. Today, Whitney has over 6 years of experience working at multiple veterinary clinics and managing dog daycares throughout the Toronto area. She has been brought up in a dog household her whole life, and currently has 2 lovely dogs to come home to: Latte, who is an adorably sweet Pomeranian cross, and Dakota, who is a handsome and fun-loving Rottweiler cross.

On her days off, you can find Whitney with a wrench in her hand working on her car to prepare it for entry in car competitions, where she has won multiple awards such as Finest Female Ride and Best Modified Scion!! How cool is that?!?!

Whitney also loves to take her set of wheels out for a spin when on food adventures as she knows the city of Toronto has a plethora of tasty ethnic dishes to experience. We are so happy to have Whitney as part of our Team :D!!

Meet Zaniyah!!

Veterinary Assistant/Nurse In-Training

Meet our new veterinary nurse Zaniyah! Zaniyah knew she wanted to help animals since she was in elementary school, where she vividly remembers rescuing a cornered little toad from being harassed by her overexcited schoolmates. Since then, Zaniyah has continued helping animals, completing her high school co-op at the Peel Animal Hospital and being accepted into the competitive Veterinary Technician program at Seneca College!

Zaniyah’s dream is to one day have her own animal sanctuary where she can continue to take care of not only the smaller critters and companion animals, but animals of the larger species such as sheep and horses! The phrase “Real nurses treat more than one species.” would really apply to our Zaniyah! We wish you all the best in your studies Zaniyah! You will be a great asset to the Registered Veterinary Technician profession one day soon!

In her free time Zaniyah hikes with her trusted adorable partner-in-crime Malcolm the Miniature Schnauzer! She also loves to reads books, play video games, and spends much of her days exploring the GTA with her friends for cool new places to see.

Meet Emily!!

Veterinary Assistant/Nurse In-Training

Meet our new veterinary nurse Emily! Emily has been following her passion in taking care of cats, dogs and rabbits as far back as in high school. Since then, she has already worked in two large veterinary emergency hospitals and has a real sense of how to handle emergency situations. From her passion and experience, Emily has an ability to connect and be compassionate with pet guardians during times of stress and of need. She is not only wonderful at comforting her pet patients, but is able to put her pet parents at ease while doing so. Here she is with a Calamari, a cat she has helped take care of since he was brought to her veterinary hospital at just 2 days old. Calamari is now a happy and thriving 9 month-old cat who was later adopted by Emily’s good friend.

Emily is an adventurer and avid world traveler. She loves learning about the history and culture of the places she visits, and is always happy to meet new friends–both human and fur in kind. Emily also loves hiking and nature, and is currently on the hunt to find as many breathtaking waterfalls as she can! Emily is excited to continue helping animals with our service and at some point in the future hopes to transition to working with wildlife animals.

Meet Frances!!

Veterinary Assistant/Nurse In-Training

Since an early age, Frances has had a natural affinity for pets and a keen interest in strengthening the human-animal bond. When she was little, Frances took care of four rescue guinea pigs. When Frances was in high school she took on the bold responsibility of training and working with multiple service dogs in a Medically Fragile Room program. Frances has also worked with Autism Dog Services, a charity program providing service dogs to people over three years of age with autism and related disorders.

Presently, Frances shares her life with her two rescue cats and a Cane Corso-St. Bernard cross dog. Frances pursued her passion for understanding human and animal behaviours through completing her neuroscience undergraduate degree at the University of Guelph with a minor in psychology. Her goal is to become an MRI technician who will image complex brain disorders and help promote accurate diagnoses for those struggling with mental health. Who knows, maybe one day Frances will also image and aid in the care of furry patients who have complex behavioural disorders.

In her spare time, Frances loves to cook new and tasty recipes, read a good book by the fireplace with her pets, and spend quality time with friends and family.

Meet Lydia!!

Veterinary Assistant/Nurse In-Training

Everyone, say hello to the newest AMAZING member of the team, Lydia! Growing up with Shelties, rescue cats, as well as caring for her special needs epileptic Collie named Bear, Lydia realized her future need to include helping pets of all kinds to thrive. Her love of her own fur family inspired her to extend her love and care professionally as a Surgery/Emergency Room Animal Care Assistant at the Veterinary Emergency Clinic in Toronto!

Presently, Lydia shares her life with her two Red Eyed Tree Frogs named Honey and Dew, and visits her devilishly handsome family dog, Ajax whenever possible!

When Lydia is not helping sick animals, you can find her befriending pigeons downtown, crocheting sweaters for any critter that will tolerate wearing them, and road-tripping with her partner and friends.

Meet Kai!!

Veterinary Assistant

Kai’s belief in the awesomeness of cats stems from a childhood spent in the company of his family’s cats. Growing up with brother and sister cats, Kai naturally became a “cat whisperer,” establishing himself as the alpha “cat” of the family. He has since adapted his animal soothing skills to our service, proving himself to be absolutely invaluable in situations when we need to make friends with a particularly excitable or shy furry patient.

Dancer, videographer, script-writer, film director and a bit of an animal himself, Kai says he very much enjoys seeing cats stand up on their hind feet. He has a theory that this is an indication that cats are experiencing evolution and will soon become bipedal. He states: “After the fall of mankind, the cats will rise… We’re looking at a future of catnip, rubbing faces on random buildings and garbage cans on the streets specifically designed for coughing up hairballs in.” Is Kai’s gorgeous cat Butters the beginning of this furry revolution? All signs point to yes.

Meet Chiwai!!

Veterinary Assistant

Meet Chiwai!! Chiwai is firmly set on becoming a veterinarian, and is currently working on her undergraduate degree with the aim of moving on to veterinary school. Looking at her commitment to pet health, her work ethic, her drive, and her already impressive knowledge-base in the veterinary field, there is no doubt in our minds that Chiwai will become a top-tier vet!! Until that time, Chiwai is happy to contribute to Toronto’s pet community by assisting Dr. Tina on her home visits, and by volunteering her time in various veterinary facilities around the city.

Chiwai’s love of pets stems from Yo-Yo, a special needs talking cockatiel that delighted Chiwai as a kindergartener, and Diamond, a handsome and brave Bichon Frise. Their adventures together were the stuff of legends!! Unfortunately, Yo-Yo is no longer with us, but we’re sure Yo-Yo would have been proud to know that his partner in crime chose to dedicate her life to taking care of pets just like him <3.

Meet Karen aka “Kare Bear”!!

Administrative Manager

Karen, aka Kare Bear is a key member of the Toronto Mobile Veterinary Services (TMVS) Family. Her unwavering care to details of client requests as well her attention to the wellbeing of the rest of the team members are vital to the success of our wonderful service. Always there to lend a helping hand with new TMVS projects, Kare Bear also somehow finds the time to oversee and organize Dr. Tina’s daily schedule. She is a one-woman powerhouse who thinks on her toes when emergency appointments need to be scheduled into an already busy day. Kare Bear works her magic and makes things happen efficiently and smoothly, ensuring that service is promptly provided to pets and pet guardians in need. She is not only brilliant in what she manages at TMVS, but her brilliance also shines through her artistic abilities in drawing, painting and design.

Kare Bear is very passionate about the adoption of shelter animals. Making her house a loving home to her darling 6 year old adopted Lionhead bunny Fishball was just what Fishball needed!! Fishball is currently happily living in Hong Kong with his human grandparents, but Kare Bear makes sure she visits him often with tasty bunny treats.

Meet Nick!!

Administrative and Information Technology Manager

The smooth service dynamic of the Toronto Mobile Veterinary Services owes much of its technical excellence to our mastermind, Nick. Nick is an expert in the field of business consulting and will at every opportunity find ways to innovate and incorporate ideas to better serve our growing community of pets and pet guardians. Our fantastic website owes a lot to his impressive skills!!

If that wasn’t enough, Nick is also an avid dancer and performs regularly across venues such as at the annual charity gala held at Sick Kids Hospital.

When Nick first met Dr. Tina, she was very surprised to learn that he wasn’t the biggest fan of cats. Apparently during his toddler years, Nick tried to get his grand dad’s beautiful, but grumpy domestic long-haired kitty named Mimi to dance with him, but Mimi rejected his advances with a hiss and a swap upside the head. It wasn’t until years later, when he met Dr. Tina and the rest of the TMVS family, that he overcame his weariness of cats. Charmed by Dr. Tina’s cat, Mooky and his catly ways, he has adopted Mooky as his new god-cat-son.

In his free time Nick loves to travel and long board. You can often find Nick exploring the sights of downtown Toronto with his adorable little Havanese-Coton du Tulear cross, Angel.