
Introduction to Healing Stones

Crystal Healing is one of the oldest forms of healing. Learn about different gemstones with Dr. Tina as she explains how our pets can share in their beauty and supposed healing properties as well. This video is an intro to the gemstones Dr. Tina will be incorporating into her new pet charm product line that will be launched over the next few weeks so be sure to stay tuned!


This beautiful purple to lavender stone is believed to: Strengthen the cleansing and eliminating organs and the immune system. It’s an excellent cleanser for the blood. Amethyst boosts production of hormones and tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It can also relieve physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress, headaches and tension. This stone reduces bruising, injuries, and swellings, and treats hearing disorders. It heals disease of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders and diseases of the digestive tract. It is beneficial for the intestines by regulating flora, removing parasite and encouraging reabsorption of water. It is also know to heal tumours and viral disease. Amethyst brings about restful sleep.

aquaB1Bonded with gold, this beautiful stone is believed to: Help with lung disease such as emphysema. It is also a stone that strengthens the heart muscle, thymus gland and immune system. This crystal heals, cleanses and calms the aura of the wearer and of those closely bonded to the wearer. It bestows peace and when used in conjunction with other crystals, Aqua Aura enhances their healing properties.


46222This beautiful pink stone is known as the “Love Stone” and is believed to: Strengthen the physical heart, circulatory system and release impurities from body fluids. It aids in chest and lung problems. It heals the kidneys, adrenal glands and alleviates vertigo. Rose quartz increases fertility, soothes burns, blistering and smoothens the complexion. It is also helpful in senile dementia. The soothing energy of Rose Quartz fosters empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others. It encourages camaraderie in group-settings.

citrine2This beautiful and sunny stone is believed to: Support and enhance healing of the spine, the digestive, elimination organs, and the healthy function of metabolism. Citrine can facilitate detoxification and stimulate circulation. Often used for chronic fatigue, Citrine has a reputation of being able to increase energy and drive. Because Citrine is an excellent stone for energizing and recharging, this property can also help those who are trying to lose weight. It helps transmute illnesses involving the eyes, balances the thyroid, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, bladder and thymus. It is also helpful for those with diabetes and also is a reliever of constipation. It fortifies the nerves. Citrine has a sunny, joyful vibration that transmits outward to those nearby, making it ideal for any setting. It is well known as the stone of abundance, prosperity and success.

imagesThis beautiful and special stone is believed to: Aid in regeneration of mucus membranes and ameliorates disease caused by glaucoma (a particular eye disease).It enhances the immune system. It stimulates the flow of lymph and banishes edema, has an anti-inflammatory effect and lowers temperature and blood pressure. It heals the lungs and clears the respiratory system of disease. Soothing, calming Chalcedony is great for promoting a sense of peace and joy and group stability by improving relationships and camaraderie in group-settings. It helps with the health of the eyes, gall bladder, strength of the bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system. Chalcedony is a powerful cleanser of the body and helps to cleanse open sores. It fosters the maternal instinct and increases lactation, improves mineral assimilation, and combats mineral buildup in veins. Chalcedony lessens the effects of senility. This stone also increases physical energy.

black-tourmaline-erongo-1_1024x1024This beautiful and powerful stone is believed to: Increase physical vitality. It is a very potent purifying and detoxifying stone, helpful in cleansing the body. Black Tourmaline can help specifically treat heart disease. It stimulates the adrenal glands, helps to treat and soothe pain, boosts the immune system, strengthens and tones muscles and helps with epilepsy. It also defends against debilitating disease, treats arthritis, provides pain relief and realigns the spinal column. This special stone also cleanses electromagnetic pollution emitted from electronic devices around the wearer (such as cellphones, microwaves, radio waves).

Download this PDF for a simple one page healing crystal reference for yourself. 

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